Over the last five years I have written personal blog posts detailing my traumatic sight loss journey. To help others better understand the significant changes in my vision I also created a series of interactive simulations (H5P files).
A Heartfelt and Interactive Diary
Open Education Resources (OERs)
As someone whoโs created online learning materials professionally for 25 years, it was a unique opportunity for me to communicate and document this hidden disability.
Publishing both the heartfelt blog and H5P content as open education resources (OERs), my hope was to help others going through similar surgeries and challenges.
This brand new ‘Interactive Book’ H5P file consolidates diary entries from the last five years into one bite-sized shareable learning resource.
Interactive Book (H5P exemplar site)
OER publication tally
- 10 sight loss blog posts
- 10,840 words / 58 minutes reading time
- 17 H5P files
- x10 Agamotto
- x2 Image Juxtaposition
- x2 Image Slider
- x1 Interactive Book
- x1 Timeline
- x1 Image Hotspots
- 97 images
Share, reuse and remix

You can download any of the H5P files via the ‘Reuse’ link in the bottom-left corner.
High-resolution versions of these sight loss photographs and representations are available via this dedicated Flickr album:
Select images have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and added to relevant Wikipedia pages.
Wikimedia Commons
Impression of a retinal detachment against a LogMAR chart:
Retinal detachment LogMAR chart B
Impression of a retinal detachment against a bouquet of flowers:
Gas bubble (day 1)
Impression of gas bubble against a bouquet of flowers:
Gas bubble (day 8)
Copyright and licence
The blog text, H5P files and images are all intended to be shared, reused and remixed. To encourage this, Iโve applied a Creative Commons open licence to my own content where the only requirement is to include the following attribution.
Copyright ยฉ Stewart Lamb Cromar 2025 CC BY.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
STARs – Visual tests: Nigel – Visual field test (Video)
Copyright ยฉ Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland and The University of Edinburgh 2020 CC BY-NC-SA.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Different types of white cane (Image Hotspots)
Images and text for the โDifferent types of white caneโ interactive are reproduced here with the kind permission of Sight Scotland.
‘Retro Semi-Realistic Blind People’ illustrations created by Yan Moryachok for Canva (Free Content). Copyright ยฉ Canva 2025. All rights reserved.
Text written by Sight Scotland. Copyright ยฉ Sight Scotland 2025. All rights reserved.
LogMAR chart
By user Fvasconcellos. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
Please note these resources are entirely a personal record of my own experiences and have not been verified by any qualified medical professionals or other individuals from the University of Edinburgh.
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