Here is my latest Fabuland model which debuted at Bricktastic 2025. Hope you like cheesy puns!

When we all go to bed, these little mice love nothing more than building cars out of cheese and racing them around our kitchen table.
Who will win?
Edam 🔴, Emmental 🧀, Cheese Slices 🟨 or Scottish Cheddar 🟧?
Hint: With square wheels, Cheese Slices is likely to stay in last place!

Brotherly rivalry
Lego Braille Bricks help identify the race leaders Stewart (LB – Little Brother) and Steven (BB – Big Brother). Handily the initials BB also works for Babybel!

I also use Braille bricks for the name of my models at Lego shows. They are a great way for people to discover and interact with this fun tool.
For more information on Lego’s Braille bricks, I would strongly recommend reading this well written and thoughtful blog post by William Reed.
Builders’ Guide for LEGO Braille Bricks
Orange you glad to use more colours?
Taking a brief departure from my primary colour palette, I’ve fully embraced the orange in order to achieve a delicious midnight snack.

It was truly liberating to rifle through my bags of previously unused elements to see what I could find. Orange, bright light yellow, and bright light orange all got a new lease of life with this MOC (My Own Creation).
Tokens of appreciation

I made 20 ‘Cheesy Rider’ appreciation tokens to hand out at Bricktastic, there were so many beautiful MOCs that all deserved one!
These tiny 2×2 builds are microscale versions of each of the four cheesy racers. Did you find one on your table?
You may have also spotted them on the ‘Cheesy Rider’ MOC, where they featured on a miniature version of the kitchen table. Mouseception anyone?
I originally designed this Fabubench back in 2021 where it uses two yellow Fabuland bow saws (4331). You can download the instructions for free via Rebrickable:
Always meet your heroes

I also made a custom ‘Cheesy Rider’ hat with the sew-on DOTS patch (41955).
Was wearing this hat when I got to meet Lego House Master Builder Dídac Pérez Soriano. A man of many talents, he also illustrated the brand new Fabuland Tribute set (40506).
Thank you for signing my instruction book.
TikTok promo video
@stub0t ‘Cheesy Rider’ 🧀🐭🏁 Here is my latest #Fabuland model, hope you like cheesy puns! #Bricktastic #SoapboxTastic #Bricktastic2025 #Lego #レゴ #ファビュランド #Afol #TartanLUG #LegoArt #RLUG #NorthernBrickworks #SwissCheese #BabyBel #LegoBrailleBricks #BrailleBricks #LegoMoc #LegoBuilds #Braille ♬ Lo-Fi Animal Crossing Night BGM3(1514228) – Prico Studio
Photo gallery
N.B. Tap on any photo to see a larger version.

Soapy inspiration
Barty Bulldog
Created back in January, my first entry for the Instagram based @SoapboxTastic challenge was this dinky Fabuland fire engine.
Based on ‘Fire Chief Barty Bulldog’ set 3797 from 1987. In the UK catalogue it was listed at a bargain £2.15, equivalent to £6.11 in 2025 (adjusted for UK inflation).

Emmental speedster
My second soapbox racer was the yellow Emmental speedster. I loved this little guy so much, I wanted to build a little backdrop for Instagram photos. What started as a finishing line made of cocktail sticks soon became a chopping board. And within a few weeks I had a whole kitchen table worth of cheesy goodness!

Micro Machines
Some very clever visitors spotted another source of inspiration – the classic NES video game Micro Machines from 1991. Themed around Galoob’s Micro Machines toys, players race in miniaturised toy vehicles around various environments.
My blue and white chequered tablecloth is a direct nod to the kitchen table level.
Micro Machines (Wikipedia page)

Charity Lego shows
If you would like to see this model in real life, I’ll be displaying it at Edinburgh’s Edinbrick show this year (10th – 11th May 2025).
All of the proceeds from both Edinbrick and Bricktastic go to the UK charity Fairy Bricks and will be used to fund more Lego deliveries to children in hospital.
Related posts
Braille Bricks (29 February 2024)
Image and video credits
‘Cheesy Rider’ Copyright © Stewart Lamb Cromar 2025. All rights reserved.
- ‘Balloons celebration happy birthday free stock video’ by Julia from Pixabay
- ‘Confetti Falling’ by ThisIsBryan from YouTube
- ‘Crowd Cheering’ Sound Effect by Otto from Pixabay
- ‘LEGO Bricks hitting each other’ Sound Effect by freesound_community from Pixabay
- ‘Pop’ Sound Effect by freesound_community from Pixabay
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